Casey Reas For Younger Children

A Mathematical Theory of Communication
Casey Reas
Subject: Balance
Activity: Create a collage using colored shapes
Materials: Construction paper, markers or colored pencils, scissors, glue
Vocabulary: Composition, balance, pattern, texture
When artists create a work of art they use shapes, colors, and patterns to create a balanced composition. Casey Reas used patterns made of colors and shapes to build this work of art. The patterns are arranged in a special way so the picture seems balanced and neither side of the picture is “heavier” than the other.
How many colors do you see?
Do the colors and shapes make up patterns?
What shapes do you see?
Does the work of art look “heavier” in some areas and “lighter” in others?
Cut out shapes and arrange them across a large sheet of paper. Use markers or colored pencils to create patterns and textures connecting the shapes to create a balanced work of art.
This work of art was created on a computer using a special program built by Casey Reas. It was printed on paper and pasted to the wall.
Composition - The plan, placement, or arrangement of the shapes and colors in a work of art.
Balance - An arrangement of shapes and colors so that no part is more important than another
Pattern - A repeating line, shape, or color
Texture - The appearance of being rough or smooth