Volunteer with Landmarks

Landmarks welcomes volunteers and ideas for creative ways we can work together. Simply send an email to share your interest.  

Landmarks Docents

Landmarks Docents lead the campus community and visitors on tours of the public art collection. Docents build awareness about modern and contemporary art, ensuring all visitors have an enjoyable and enriching experience. 

Landmarks Preservation Guild

The Landmarks Preservation Guild maintains the works of art in the collection and keeps the university’s campus a beautiful and engaging place. Volunteers learn and apply basic conservation skills to works of art so they may be enjoyed by future generations. 

Landmarks Docents are a group of dedicated students and volunteers who lead tours of Landmarks public art. They contribute time, energy, and ideas to make the Landmarks collection accessible to the university community and to campus visitors.

Tours led by docents offer insight into Landmarks projects and build awareness about modern and contemporary art. While leading tours, docents provide a brief orientation to artists and works in the collection. Docents also answer questions that visitors may have.

Volunteer docents develop reading, research, and critical skills through a series of training sessions that are conducted periodically. These sessions enable docents to become effective communicators and successful educators.

Join the Landmarks Docents to learn about some of the most important artistic trends of our time and to meet people who share a passion for art. By introducing the general public and student groups to Landmarks projects located throughout the main campus, docents enhance their engagement with great works of art and refine their analytic and public speaking skills. Ensuring all visitors have an enjoyable and enriching experience is the docents’ primary goal.


  • Specialized training about Landmarks projects.
  • A continuing education in modern and contemporary art.
  • A docent course of study that develops reading, research, and analytic skills.
  • The opportunity to become a more effective communicator and successful educator.
  • Connections with others who share an interest in art.
  • Access to Landmarks lectures and special events.


Docents contribute an average of 1-2 hours of service per week. This time includes training, preparation, meetings and tours. Successful docents develop the ability to speak eloquently about works of art and must be willing to spend time learning about the Landmarks collection. In addition, docents must also make a commitment to attend monthly docent meetings and present assigned research for discussion with the group.


  • Plan, practice and implement guided tours of Landmarks projects.
  • Creatively prepare for each tour by using the docent website and reading complementary educational materials.
  • Learn the Landmarks tour routes.
  • Actively engage groups of 5-20 visitors.
  • Continually evaluate and refine touring techniques.
  • Attend and keep informed about docent meetings, tours and training sessions.
  • Keep informed of upcoming projects and special events.
  • Become familiar with policies and procedures.


  • Strong communication skills, friendly, resourceful, flexible, reliable, and comfort interacting with visitors of all ages.
  • An interest in learning about modern and contemporary art.
  • Students with a background in art and art history are encouraged to apply.


  • Review the time commitments, responsibilities, and qualifications for Landmarks Docents.
  • Fill out our online application here. Contact info@landmarksut.org with general questions about the docent program.
  • Applications will be reviewed and a Landmarks staff member will arrange personal interviews with volunteer candidates.

Volunteers of the Landmarks Preservation Guild (LPG) examine and maintain works of art from Landmarks’ collection and serve as ambassadors of the program. Under the supervisor of Landmarks’ Assistant Director for Collections and Collections Assistant, volunteers “adopt” a work of art and commit a few hours each month to help ensure that the collection is cared for and looks its best. Volunteers receive training from professional conservators and Landmarks staff on how to monitor and care for fine arta key role in keeping the UT campus beautiful.  

LPG volunteers learn methods for maintaining fine art objects through required training sessions led by an objects conservator. Lessons include how to properly monitor and record changes in works of art, as well as instruction for cleaning art made of wood, stone, bronze, steel, painted metal, and found objects. Throughout the year, volunteers are also provided opportunities for hands on experience assisting conservators with more complicated conservation treatments of objects in the collection.


  • Specialized training on how to care for modern and contemporary public art
  • Opportunity to work closely with a professional conservator
  • Pride in helping to beautify the UT campus
  • Opportunities to connect with and learn from artists, fabricators, and installers
  • Connections with others who share an interest in art and conservation
  • Access to Landmarks workshops and special events


Volunteers contribute an average of 6 hours of service per month and are asked to commit to volunteering for at least one academic year (fall and spring semesters). This time includes training, preparation, and bi-monthly site visits and condition reports. Successful volunteers develop the ability to care for works of art at increasingly sophisticated levels by exercising sound judgment. Toward this end, interns must be willing to spend time engaging with works of art in the Landmarks collection, able to make first-hand observations and record minute changes over time, and learn how and when to intervene when conditions change. Interns must also commit to the learning process required to become knowledgeable about conservation techniques.


  • Visit assigned works at least twice a month and complete condition reports
  • Thoroughly observe and document each work with an online condition report
  • Report condition changes and concerns to Landmarks staff
  • Stay informed by attending meetings, required trainings, and special treatment sessions
  • Become familiar with policies and procedures


  • Interns should be responsible, meticulous, and curious thinkers with strong observation skills
  • An interest in learning about conservation techniques and modern and contemporary art
  • Individuals from any field of study are welcome, although a background in preservation, architecture, art and art history can be helpful
  • Volunteers need not be students; UT staff members, faculty, and members of the Austin community age 18 and older are encouraged to participate


  • Review the commitment, responsibilities, and qualifications
  • Download the LPG application (pdf) and send completed forms to collections@landmarksut.org. You may also contact this address if you have general questions about the LPG program
  • Applications will be reviewed and Landmarks will arrange personal interviews with volunteer candidates