Landmarks Video presents Der Lauf der Dinge (The Way Things Go) by Fischli & Weiss. The work screens September 1 - 30 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Landmarks Video presents Touch by Janine Antoni. The work screens October 1 - 31 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Fetch your pooch and come to campus for the return of Landmarks' annual Dog Walk! Landmarks has partnered with Blue Dog Rescue to present a docent-led public art dog walk!
Landmarks Video presents Political Advertisement X 1952β2020 by Antonio Muntadas and Marshall Reese. The work screens November 1 - 30 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Join Landmarks for a free public tour of works in the collection that are made of bronze. Utilized for its strength and durability, bronze has long been the medium of choice for large-scale sculpture and monuments. This tour will explore how artists in the collection utilize the material and respond to its long history.
Landmarks Video presents Contemporary Artist by Ximena Cuevas. The work screens December 1 - 31 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Landmarks Video presents Mnemonics of Shape and Reason by Sky Hopinka. The work screens January 1 - 31 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Landmarks Video presents Afro-Cosmonaut / Alien (White Noise) by Jefferson Pinder. The work screens February 1 - 28 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Landmarks Video presents Morning Rituals by A young Yu. The work screens March 1 - 31 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.
Landmarks Video presents Anxious Body by Yoriko Mizushiri. The work screens April 1 - 30 on a media station in the ART building located on the corner of East 23rd Street and San Jacinto Boulevard.