Guido van der Werve
Nummer Twee: Just because I'm standing here doesn't mean I want to, 2003
Dutch, born 1977
35 mm film
3 minutes 8 seconds
© Guido van der Werve; Courtesy of the artist, Luhring Augustine, New York, GRIMM, Amsterdam, and MONITOR, Rome
Nummer Twee (2003), begins with a stunt by the artist as he appears to be knocked down in the middle of a street by a car. What happens next is a cinemtographic dreamland with ballerinas that enter the shot, performing around the artist. The surreal combination of images creates a piece that intersects between film, video, and performance art.
For the safety of our community, Landmarks Video may be viewed freely by those who have BACS access to the ART building. For general access, please make an appointment to visit the Visual Arts Center.