Landmarks Video Archive

Landmarks Video presents the most highly regarded and influential works of video art from the past six decades. This page is an archive of every work presented as part of the Landmarks Video program and includes curatorial essays, images, and other contextual information. 

Please note that some videos may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Hans Op de Beeck
bicycle with cart in a landscape
The Girl

HD animation film
16:00 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Marianne Boesky Gallery

Tony Oursler
The Weak Bullet

12:41 min., color, sound
Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Nam June Paik and John Godfrey
Global Groove

28:30 min., color, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Charlemagne Palestine
A man putting a bow-like object on a gate
Body Music I/Body Music II

20:30 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Alix Pearlstein

HD video
03:05 min., color, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Rachel Perry
A still from Rachel Perry's "Karaoke Wrong Number"
Karaoke Wrong Number

Video on DVD
07:14 and 05:46 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richardson Gallery

Thao Nguyen Phan
Screenshot of Thao Nguyen Phan's "Becoming Alluvium"
Becoming Alluvium

Single channel color video
16:50 min., color, sound
Courtesy of Galerie Zink Waldkirchen, Germany

John Pilson
man picking up files from desk
Mr. Pick Up

Three channel video
17:00 min., color, sound
Courtesy Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York

Howardena Pindell
Screenshot of Howardena Pindell's "Free, White and 21"
Free, White and 21

12:15 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist, the University of Texas Libraries, and Garth Greenan Gallery, New York