Landmarks Video Archive

Landmarks Video presents the most highly regarded and influential works of video art from the past six decades. This page is an archive of every work presented as part of the Landmarks Video program and includes curatorial essays, images, and other contextual information. 

Please note that some videos may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Lenora de Barros
A still from Leonora de Barros' "Homenagem a George Segal (Homage to George Segal)"
Homenagem a George Segal (Homage to George Segal)

03:07 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Georg Kargl Fine Arts

Alejandro Figueredo Díaz-Perera
Love is a Rebellious Bird

Single channel video
10:20 min., color, sound
Video donated by Dr. Scott J. Hunter

Cheryl Donegan
A woman in a bra with a plastic bag over her head
Artists + Models

04:43 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

John Edmonds
Screenshot of John Edmonds' "Shotgun"

HD Video
TRT 9:53 min., color, no sound
Courtesy of the artist

Valie Export
Touch Cinema

16mm film on video
01:08 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Kota Ezawa
Screenshot of Kota Ezawa's "Simpson Verdict." Three men in a cartoonish "flat-color" style look in different directions.
The Simpson Verdict

3:00 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the Haines Gallery, San Francisco 

Cao Fei
Silhouetted arms and hands failing around
Shadow Life

10:00 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy of Cao Fei and Vitamin Creative Space

Fischli & Weiss
A still of Fischli & Weiss' "Der Lauf der Dinge (The Way Things Go)"
Der Lauf der Dinge (The Way Things Go)

16mm film transferred to video
31:00 min., color, sound
Courtesy of Matthew Marks Gallery

Jesse Fleming
Film still of straight razor and snail
The Snail and the Razor

Single channel video
07:56 min., color, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York