Landmarks Video Archive

Landmarks Video presents the most highly regarded and influential works of video art from the past six decades. This page is an archive of every work presented as part of the Landmarks Video program and includes curatorial essays, images, and other contextual information. 

Please note that some videos may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Ulysses Jenkins
A still from Ulysses Jenkins' "Secrecy: Help Me to Understand."
Secrecy: Help Me to Understand

08:00 min., color, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Joan Jonas
Vertical Roll

19:38 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Miranda July
A short haired woman in a vest holding a black and white television
The Amateurist

14:00 min., color, sound
Image copyright the artist, courtesy of Video Data Bank,

Polina Kanis
A still from Polina Kanis' "Celebration" which shows two figures shaking hands with both figures wearing grey clothing

Video, Loop, HD
13:27 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie C Neuchâtel-Paris

Nikolay Karabinovytch
A still from Nikolay Karabinovytch's "Something Happened this Spring."
Something Happened this Spring

4k digital video
06:35 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist, produced with support by Dzherelo

Mikhail Karikis
children standing in front of nuclear power plant
Children of Unquiet

Single channel video
15:36 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist

Mike Kelley
The Banana Man

28:15 min., color, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

William Kentridge
Sketch of man looking in mirron
Felix in Exile

35mm film transferred to DVD
8:43 min., color, sound
Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York

Ragnar Kjartansson
man playing guitar in field
Satan is Real

Single channel video
63:40 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist, Luhring Augustine, New York, and i8 Gallery, Reykjavik