Nancy Rubins For Adolescents

Monochrome for Austin


Nancy Rubins

American, born 1952

Subject: Interpreting meaning in a work of art

Activity: Creative writing

Materials:  Pen or pencil and paper

Vocabulary: Context, narrative story, persuasive story


Public works of art like Monochrome for Austin are meant to be seen by everyone. Nancy Rubins makes sculptures like this for locations all around the world. If you don’t know what a work of art means, try to imagine why the artist created it and why he/she used certain materials. If you’ve seen something similar, what did it mean to you and how did it make you feel? 


Do you have to know the story behind a work of art in order to enjoy it?

Do your past experiences help you to understand and appreciate a work of art more?


Come up with a newspaper headline for Monochrome for Austin. Just like those for real newspapers, it should be short and grab the reader’s attention. Write a short article about the history of the sculpture or artist. Be creative! It doesn’t have to be a true story. You or a friend can draw an illustration for your story. 


Context - A set of facts that help interpret a work of art

Narrative story - A story based on a real or imagined event

Persuasive story - A story that tries to convince the reader to make a choice or take action