Eamon Ore-Giron For Younger Children

A black and white line drawing of Eamon Ore-Giron's "Tras los ojos (Behind the Eyes)"

Tras los ojos (Behind the Eyes)


Eamon Ore-Giron

American, born 1973

Subject: Construction

Activity: Overlapping shapes

Materials: Construction paper, scissors, glue, and paint (optional)

Vocabulary: Color, culture, familiar, geometric, mix, overlap, shape


Eamon Ore-Giron is inspired by many different cultures. His father was born in Peru and his mother’s family came from Ireland. He has lived in Caifornia, Arizona, Mexico, and Peru. When making his paintings, he thinks about how people from different places interact.

Tras los ojos (Behind the Eyes) is inspired by what and how our eyes see. The painting has lots of colors and shapes that look like the sky just before the sun goes down. The artist uses circles and zig zags in this painting to show what eyes look like inside of our heads.


What shapes do you see in this work of art?

What do the colors remind you of? How do they make you feel?

Does any part of this painting look like an eye to you?

  • Cut out squares, triangles, and circles from different sheets of colored construction paper. Now overlap the pieces and move them around. Once you have the shapes laid out in a way that you like, glue them down to a separate piece of construction paper.
  • With adult supervision: Use different colors of paint to make different shapes. Try overlapping the shapes in different ways.

This work of art was made by scanning the artist’s original painting on a computer and printing a copy of it. The original painting is much smaller, about the size of a laptop computer.

Look again

Look at your art. What do you see? Do the shapes you created and combined look like anything to you? Do they look similar to anything in Tras los ojos?


Color – The different shades and tones we see in the world around us.

Culture – A group of people that has shared beliefs, customs, and ways of living. Familiar – Something you have seen before.

Geometric – Simple shapes, such as lines, circles, squares, and triangles.

Mix – To combine different things together.

Overlap – When parts of something cover or lay on top of each other.

Shape – A form like a circle, square, or triangle.