Today O N E E V E R Y O N E, a Landmarks commission by Ann Hamilton, received the Americans for the Arts’ Public Art Network (PAN) award for outstanding public art across the nation. Each year jurors cull hundreds of projects and select the most compelling works to include in the PAN Year in Review, the only national program that recognizes public art.

Ann Hamilton, O N E E V E R Y O N E • Zoë, 2013.
“Trust accompanied every step of the project’s process,” says Ann Hamilton. “It is the generosity and spirit of collective support that this citation now recognizes and honors. The award is for everyone who touched the project.”

Ann Hamilton, O N E E V E R Y O N E • Jordyn & Aryana, 2013.
The PAN Year in Review was founded in 2000 to bring awareness and appreciation of public art to the communities that they serve. Works can include murals, sculpture, memorials, integrated architectural or landscape architectural work, community art, digital new media, and performance art.

Ann Hamilton, O N E E V E R Y O N E • Chen, 2013.
The awarded works will be included in the PAN Year in Review Database this summer. The searchable database offers a place to browse some of the best examples of public art in the country. Landmarks was recognized for The Color Inside by James Turrell and And That’s The Way It Is by Ben Rubin in 2013, and for A Mathematical Theory of Communication by Casey Reas in 2014.

Ann Hamilton, O N E E V E R Y O N E • J.T., 2013.
Thank you Americans for the Arts’ Public Art Network for this honor! Visit the O N E E V E R Y O N E website to learn where to visit the architectural panels and pick up a free artist book, as well as download the artist’s portraits.