Meet Education Intern Maddie Cannings

Itza Cantera

Landmarks welcomes Maddie Cannings as its spring 2024 education intern. Maddie is a third year Art History major pursuing a minor in Arts Management and Administration and a BDP Certificate in Museum Studies. She will assist Landmarks education team with a variety of projects this semester, all of which will help prepare her for a career in the arts.

Landmarks’ communications intern, Itza Cantera, recently sat down with Maddie to learn more about her and her work with Landmarks this semester.


What is your favorite work in Landmarks' collection?

My favorite work in Landmarks’ collection is Jennifer Steinkamp’s EON. Steinkamp’s use of technology to create and instruct each tiny moving part of this wall-sized digital installation is impressive. Her animated forms that mimic biological organisms are stunning. I’m not in Welch Hall often, but when I am, I stare at this work for what feels like hours.

How do you hope your internship with Landmarks will contribute to your professional goals? 

This internship provides entry into the world of art institutions and their methodologies and allows me to practice professional, creative, and social skills. In just my first couple of weeks, I’ve been challenged to interpret art through a STEM-based lens, which is completely different than my humanities-trained viewpoint. I’ve had to alter my perspective to better fit with the audiences I am serving. It’s been enlightening! Landmarks allows me to work directly with different audiences and creatively connect with visitors. I hope to make art accessible to all and help people make connections with works of art. This internship is a great way to achieve those goals.

What special projects are you working on for Landmarks this semester?

I am currently working on educational materials for UT’s Girl Day to engage visiting students with Landmarks collection and help them make connections between art and science. In the coming weeks, I’ll prepare materials for Paws for Public Art, Landmarks Bike Tour, and UT Family Weekend. I also help manage the James Turrell Skyspace and its related events including Songs in the Skyspace.

What are your plans after undergrad?

After graduation, I hope to work at a museum or other arts-related field for a year or two before applying to graduate school.