More than 500 guests celebrated the opening of José Parlá's Amistad América last Friday. The evening started with an insightful discussion between Parlá and art critic, Carlo McCormick. McCormick has followed Parlá's work for most of the artist's career and the two have been friends for years. Their casual rapport lead to thoughtful questions from the audience. Stay tuned for a video of the Q&A.
photo by Christina Murrey
photo by Christina Murrey
The celebrations continued with Stefan Ruiz spinning his personal collection of Cuban Jazz records. An accomplished photographer and friend of Parlá, Ruiz kept the energy high and made it impossible to resist dancing.
photo by Christina Murrey
Download photos from the photobooth on the Landmarks Facebook page.
Photo by Lawrence Peart
A huge thank you to all who contributed to the discussion and the dancing. It wouldn't have been half as fun without you!
Photo by Lawrence Peart
Photo by Christina Murrey