h2. "_Conversation with James Turrell_":https://www.landmarks.utexas.edu/events/james_turrell
Friday, October 18, 12-1pm
Student Activity Center Ballroom
Artist James Turrell and Lynn Herbert, former senior curator of the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston , discuss __The Color Inside__, a Skyspace on the rooftop garden of the "Student Activity Center":http://www.utexas.edu/maps/main/buildings/sac.html at The University of Texas at Austin.
Free and no reservations required; limited seating available.
h2. _Tours of __The Color Inside__, Blanton Museum of Art, and Harry Ransom Center_
Saturday, October 19, 2pm and 3pm
Starting at the Skyspace on the Rooftop of the Student Activity Center
Begins with a music performance by a string quartet from the Butler School of Music inside the Skyspace. The tour will walk to the Blanton to view a large-scale aquatint by Turrell entitled _First Light, Plate B1_, which is on display through mid-December. Tour ends at the Harry Ransom Center to see _James Turrell: Deep Sky_, an exhibition of seven aquatints created by Turrell in collaboration with the publisher Peter Blum Editions, on display through December 13. Tours last 1-1.5 hours.
h2. _Music Performance_
Saturday, October 19, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm
Inside the Skyspace, Rooftop of the Student Activity Center
On Opening Day, Landmarks presents three unique performances of _Lightscape_, a new composition by University of Texas graduate student, assistant instructor, and award-winning composer, "Joel Love":http://www.joellove.com. Landmarks commissioned Joel Love to create a composition inspired by __The Color Inside__.
Lightscape will be performed by Butler School of Music Students: Yunji Lee, Chloe Park, Andrew Haduong, and Mic Vredenburgh.
It will also be available to "stream":https://soundcloud.com/joellove/lightscape.
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