
Landmarks’ blog, Latest, features timely updates on new installations, public programs, event announcements, volunteer and internship opportunities, and a range of other initiatives. Learning with Landmarks is a dedicated blog series highlighting the unique and innovative ways that students and other scholars use the collection. To view the entire series, click the button below.

Learning With Landmarks


We’ve had quite a few little visitors lately to "_The Color Inside_":, James Turrell’s new Skyspace. Two-year-old Stella took in the Skyspace on a recent clear evening with her mom and dad, headed home, took out her colored pencils, and went to work enthusiastically drawing her impressions of the experience. Eight-year-old Elianne visited the Skyspace and later crayon-captured the intense moment between changing colors washed against the ceiling oculus and night sky. Six-year-old Nathan liked the early part of his visit to the Skyspace the most, when the sky was particularly blue and the colors of the room were vibrant. The Skyspace isn’t the only piece in the Landmarks collection which is popular with children. Take advantage of the gorgeous weather Austin’s had lately, and head to campus with your kids to explore any and all works in the "Landmarks collection": for free. For suggestions on how to look at and discuss art in the collection with your kids, Landmarks has "activity guides": which are available for three stages of development: "younger children":, "older children":, and "adolescents": Each guide suggests an activity that demonstrates a relevant theme. There are many ways to talk and think about modern and contemporary art with children. You might want to bring a small notebook and colored pencils to use for sketching or writing stories. One really wonderful thing about the experience is that kids don’t generally approach works with specific pre-conceived thoughts about what art is or should be, and they are very interested in new ideas. "We’d love to hear from you" if you have any great stories you’d like to share!


_The Color Inside_, a Skyspace by James Turrell commissioned by "Landmarks":, opened to the public in October 2013. More than 1000 visitors attended opening weekend events, including a talk by the world-renowned artist to celebrate his sublime new Skyspace. Lynn Herbert, former senior curator of the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston led a conversation with James Turrell for an audience of 700. The event was standing room only as visitors listened to Turrell discuss his artistic vision, his career as an artist, and how the beautiful Texas skies inspired the specific light sequence in _The Color Inside_. See the conversation "online":…. On opening day, Landmarks presented three unique performances of _Lightscape_, a new composition by "Joel Love":, a Butler School of Music graduate student, assistant instructor, and award-winning composer. Landmarks commissioned Love to create a composition inspired by _The Color Inside_, performed by Butler School of Music students Yunji Lee, Chloe Park, Andrew Haduong, and Mic Vredenburgh. The piece, which is available to "stream":, draws its inspiration from the daylight hours from dawn to dusk and the evocative light sequences from _The Color Inside_. In celebration of the opening, Landmarks also offered tours that visited two campus partners. At the "Blanton Museum of Art":, visitors saw Turrell’s _First Light, Plate B1_ (1989-90), a single aquatint taken from a series that explores the movement of light in a space over time. At the "Harry Ransom Center":, visitors viewed an exhibition curated by Chelsea Weathers which explores Turrell’s print project for Peter Blum’s publishing house, Blum Edition. To make a free reservation to visit the Skyspace, visit "": For more information about Turrell and _The Color Inside_, see the "artist entry":