Landmarks Video Archive

Landmarks Video presents the most highly regarded and influential works of video art from the past six decades. This page is an archive of every work presented as part of the Landmarks Video program and includes curatorial essays, images, and other contextual information. 

Please note that some videos may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Antoni Muntadas, Marshall Reese
A still from Antonio Muntadas, Marshall Reese's "Political Advertisement X 1952 – 2020"
Political Advertisement X

98:04 min., b&w and color, stereo sound
Courtesy of Video Data Bank, School of the Art
Institute of Chicago

Takeshi Murata
Infinite Doors

16 mm film on video
18:16 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Electronic Arts Inter- mix (EAI), New York

Sofía Gallisá Muriente
A still from Sofía Gallisá Muriente's "Asimilar y destruir (Assimilate & Destroy) I and II."
Asimilar y destruir (Assimilate & Destroy) I and II

16mm film rephotographed to video
2:38 min., black and white, silent | 6:42 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist

Jayson Scott Musson
ART THOUGHTZ with Hennessy Youngman (video series)

HD video
Various times, color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Electronic Arts

Rita Myers
A woman leaning at an scute angle on a wooden floor
Tilt 1

06:50 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Bruce Nauman
A black and white still which shows a man in a white shirt and dark pants walking with a sway in the hips.
Walk with Contrapposto

60 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York
© 2010 Bruce Nauman/Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York

Rivane Neuenschwander/Cao Guimarães
Quarta-Feira da Cinzas/Epilogue

5:48 min., color, sound
With soundtrack by O Grivo
Courtesy of the artist & Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York/ Los Angeles; Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, Brazil; Stephen Friedman Gallery, London

Tameka Jenean Norris
A woman making a strange face
Untitled (Say Her Name)

04:47 min., color, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Jane Lombard Gallery, New York

Robyn O’Neil
A still from Robyn O'Neil's "WE, THE MASSES" which shows a black and white images with a tree branch in a center with a ring of small figures surrounding it and a ring of trees.

14:00 min., b&w, sound
Courtesy of the artist and Talley Dunn Gallery