
Landmarks’ blog, Latest, features timely updates on new installations, public programs, event announcements, volunteer and internship opportunities, and a range of other initiatives. Learning with Landmarks is a dedicated blog series highlighting the unique and innovative ways that students and other scholars use the collection. To view the entire series, click the button below.

Learning With Landmarks


Shahzia Sikander, SpiNN, 2003. Courtesy of The Blanton Museum of Art Landmarks announces its ninth season of Landmarks Video, which includes works by Hans Op der Beeck, Christian Marclay, Jayson Scott


Today O N E E V E R Y O N E , a Landmarks commission by Ann Hamilton, received the Americans for the Arts’ Public Art Network (PAN) award for outstanding public art across the nation. Each year jurors cull hundreds of projects and select the most compelling works to include in the PAN Year in Review, the only national program that recognizes public art.


To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Landmarks is publishing the second edition of the collection handbook thanks to a generous gift from the Tocker Foundation. The catalog features recent acquisitions

Thank You!


Thank you for another successful Amplify Austin! Please join us on Friday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m. for South in Sculpture and help us celerate the arts in Austin.


Photo by Maggie Calton Amplify Austin has begun and your gift is needed to support Sound in Sculpture, a collaboration between Fusebox Fest, Landmarks, the Butler School of Music, and Texas Performing

Q&A with José Parlá


Local artist-run publication, Conflict of Interest, featured a Q&A with José Parlá about Landmarks commission Amistad América. Read a snippet below and visit their site for the entire interview