
Landmarks’ blog, Latest, features timely updates on new installations, public programs, event announcements, volunteer and internship opportunities, and a range of other initiatives. Learning with Landmarks is a dedicated blog series highlighting the unique and innovative ways that students and other scholars use the collection. To view the entire series, click the button below.

Learning With Landmarks


In honor of Black History Month, Landmarks is highlighting artist Michael Ray Charles’ (Forever Free) Ideas, Languages and Conversations (2015), a commissioned work from our collection. Discover how the placement of Charles’ sculpture in UT’s Gordon-White Building is key to understanding its cultural and historical significance.


Landmarks announces an extraordinary $5 million gift from the Austin-based Still Water Foundation. Still Water's gift will serve as the cornerstone of our upcoming endowment initiative, ensuring our

Learning With Landmarks

Skyspace Inspires New Work by Composer Matthew Lyons


Earlier this year, Landmarks launched Songs in the Skyspace, a new music series hosted inside James Turrell’s Skyspace The Color Inside . The series features a variety of performers from campus and community, including Austin Classical Guitar. For their first performance, ACG commissioned Austin-based composer Matthew Lyons to write a piece in response to The Color Inside. The work was premiered on 24 November and an encore performance will be held on 15 December. We recently sat down with Matthew Lyons to learn more about his process and his composition for the Skyspace.

Learning With Landmarks

Interview with Stone Tejeda


Landmarks interviewed Stone Tejeda, an undergraduate senior in Computer Science specializing in robotics at The University of Texas at Austin who also just completed his third summer as a Skyspace attendant. We caught up with Stone to learn more about his interest in the arts, music, computer science, and robotics.

Songs in the Skyspace


Songs in the Skyspace is a monthly music series hosted inside James Turrell’s Skyspace , The Color Inside . Learn more here.

Intern with Landmarks


Are you curious to see the inner workings of a university public art program? Landmarks is looking for two interns for Fall 2019. Add Landmarks to your resume!